Ilan University and Tzu Chi University Co-Sponsor the 2023 Enhancement Workshop for Faculty Members


To effectively disseminate the outcomes, courses, and pedagogical methodologies of higher education in Taiwan, and to refine the competencies and knowledge base of academic staff, Tzu Chi University and National Ilan University collaboratively orchestrated the 2023 Enhancement Workshop for Faculty Members. This workshop was organized in Hualien on September 1, 2023, witnessing the participation of 40 faculty members representing 11 schools.

The program was curated by Tzu Chi University’s Center for Faculty Development and the Instructional Resource and Ilan University. The event officially commenced following speeches by Tzu Chi University President Ingrid Liu of and Vice President Wei-Jung Chen of Ilan University.

The workshop curated a comprehensive program, adeptly addressing the attendees’ tangible needs. The inaugural keynote address was overseen by Director Li-Fen Chang from the Center for Faculty Development and Instructional Resources at Tzu Chi University. The speech was delivered by Professor Pei-Yu Cheng of the Department of Information Management at Tamkang University, focusing on “Integrating ChatGPT into Teaching: Exploring the Role of AI Technology in Facilitating Teaching and Learning.”

Professor Cheng highlighted the unique capability of ChatGPT to address every individual inquiry, underscoring the evolving importance of question-asking as a crucial skill in learning processes. Educators worldwide are immersed in exploration of the potential applications and boundaries of this technology. Regardless of whether its integration within classroom instruction becomes universal, it’s crucial for faculty members to acquire a profound understanding of AI technology. This knowledge will empower them to effectively steer students through the ramifications of AI applications and their burgeoning impact on learning environments.

The second lecture was orchestrated by Tzu Chi University’s Dean of Academic Affairs Kun-Ruey Shieh. The discussion, titled “Balanced Development in Teaching/Research/Service,” was led by Professor Shu Wang Chen, the Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs at National Taipei University of Technology. Professor Wang delved into the dynamics between teaching and research, examining whether they share a zero-sum relationship or mutually enhance each other.

This discourse was particularly aimed at faculty members who, upon assuming administrative roles, find themselves juggling administrative tasks, teaching, research duties, and their responsibilities as instructors, along with personal issues. The lecture focused on the challenges of managing multiple roles and emphasized strategies for optimizing time and effort effectively. Professor Wang offered insights on maintaining equilibrium among teaching, research, and service while adeptly handling administrative responsibilities, thereby illustrating how to maintain professional harmony amid a multifaceted workload.

The afternoon agenda was aimed at aiding faculty members in conducting their research and comprised two sessions entitled the “Research Forum” and “Forum for Teaching Practice Research.”

In the first session of the Research Forum, Group A was presided over by Vice President Wei-Jung Chen of Ilan University. The discussion was enriched by the experiences shared by Distinguished Professor Rui-Jen Chou from the Department of Biomechatronic Engineering at National Taiwan University, who also led the dialogue.

At the same time, Group B was chaired by Professor Shu-hui Kuan of Ilan University. This group benefited from the insights and leadership of Professor Yung-Chi Ho from the College of Education at National Chengchi University, who shared his experiences in navigating the realms of academia.

In the second session, the Forum for Teaching Practice Research, Group A was introduced by Professor Hui-Chun Li of the Department of Biochemistry at Tzu Chi University, and Director Hsiou-Hsuan Wang of the Center for Faculty Development at Ilan University, who emerged as the principal speaker. Additionally, Group B was introduced by Professor Hsueh-Ling Li from the Department of Human Development and Psychology at Tzu Chi University. Here, the focal discussion was led by Professor Pei-Ju Lin from the Department of Special Education at National Taitung University.

These convergent sessions provided a valuable platform for discussing the experiences and strategies that faculty members employ to strike a balance between teaching, research, and service responsibilities. The collaborative atmosphere and shared insights served to propagate effective methodologies and experiences among the faculty members present.

This workshop was designed to offer a platform for faculty members to exchange knowledge and improve their well-being, addressing the myriad challenges experienced in teaching, research, and service. Faculty members with a wealth of experience were invited to share their insights and lead group discussions, with the hope that all participants could expand their perspectives, bolster interactions, and spark innovative ideas through this event.

Our aspiration was for attendees to approach their professional challenges with a sense of joy and fulfillment, contributing to enhanced personal satisfaction, elevated teaching quality, and refined research capabilities. We aimed to enrich the participants’ understanding and empower them to overcome the obstacles they encounter in their respective fields, cultivating an environment of shared learning and mutual growth.

By fostering a supportive and collaborative environment, this event hoped to inspire faculty members to explore new avenues in teaching, research, and service thereby contributing to the overall advancement of higher education in Taiwan. Through our combined efforts, we seek to pave the way for a brighter and more promising future in Taiwanese higher education, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of academic excellence and innovation.