TCU’s Endeavors Have Been Recognized in Taiwan and Elsewhere, and Its Admission Results are Splendid


The Advanced Subjects Test is the main venue through which domestic students gain admission to Taiwan’s seventy universities. TCU is well-liked by high school students and their parents, so they place it on their list, and as a result, this year, every academic department has admitted students to its departmental maximum, and some have even surpassed their maximums. The birth rate in Taiwan has continuously declined in recent years, resulting in a decreasing number of college students, and TCU has been no exception. Moreover, TCU is located in eastern Taiwan, which isn’t as populous as western Taiwan, thus some high school students living in western Taiwan decided not to come to TCU. However, TCU’s educational philosophies and practices have been highly regarded by the public, so many students have chosen to come to TCU, and accordingly, the admissions results are splendid.

TCU has passed all evaluations and accreditations carried out by the Taiwan Medical Accreditation Council (TMAC), Taiwan Nursing Accreditation Council (TNAC) and the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT). TCU is also acknowledged by many government agencies and NGOs in Taiwan and overseas, for its endeavors in teaching, research and community services during the past 25 years. The Executive Yuan bestowed the “National Sustainable Development Award” on TCU in 2018. TCU is very proud to be 67th in THE University Impact Rankings 2019 and first in Taiwan. Furthermore, during the past twelve years, the University has received a total of NT$520,000,000 (around US$17,000,000) in grants, from the Ministry of Education, to reward our efforts in carrying out the Teaching Excellence Project and the Higher Education Sprout Project

TCU equips its students with professional skills and knowledge and inspires them to serve the needy altruistically, which is helpful for them to pass various national licensure examinations and succeed in the workplace. Many high school graduates see clearly what TCU will do for them, consequently they chose TCU.

TCU provides grants for students to take part in international competitions, international exchange programs and overseas service opportunities. The University was founded by Dharma Master Cheng Yen and Tzu Chi Foundation. Tzu Chi Foundation has set up its offices in more than fifty countries and it stands firmly behind TCU. It has provided TCU students with voluntary service opportunities, internship training, and employment opportunities. TCU also has abundant teaching and research resources, which attract international students to come to Taiwan. The number of TCU international freshmen has jumped 17% since last year, and the percentage of international students is over 10% of the student population. TCU has an international perspective, a global network and plentiful resources.

Vice president Jui-Hung Yen pointed out that we provide resources to nurture domestic students, who are excellent in academic performance and altruistic deeds. TCU has also set up various channels to help those who are financially deprived or from rural areas, hence those students are able to pursue their studies.

Domestic students can enjoy their studies in Taiwan and need not go overseas for long periods of time; meanwhile, they can enjoy benefits put forward here, by some of the best universities in the world. TCU offers dual degree programs and overseas internship opportunities, serves the needy overseas, offers classes overseas, carries out international exchange programs, and so forth, to meet the needs of domestic students. TCU’s endeavors in teaching and research have been recognized both in Taiwan and abroad.